Summer Hair Care Routine Tips

The summer time madness begins quite early in the country and brings a lot of fun moods and exhilarating exploration opportunities. Vacations in the heat are great to get that natural tan and to take a dip into the pool to cool off the heat. Cold mocktails and bathing on beaches is great until the sand and sweat start to chip off your scalp. Summer heat packs a lot of fun with a lot of skin and hair issues that show up in the aftermath. Hair care along with mental self care is important during summer holiday plans, especially for men. Men forget about worries, more so about their hair, when it comes to fun. Hair fall is a major issue with most men who like to challenge the summer sun, and since we’re in a tropical country, the glare of the sun continues even after the rains. Which is why hare care is essential for men all around the year. Hair care doesn’t require regular visits to the salon or hair spa every week. A simple routine of cleansing and nutrition are the greatest hair fall tips for men. Adding the following tasks to your hair care routine can prevent most of the issues;
1. Cleanse your hair
Dust flies freely during the summers and is bad for your tresses. When dust settles on your scalp, it creates a flaky substance by mixing with the natural oils of the scalp or the one that you apply. A lot of dust also comes with chemical waste that hurts the natural pH of the scalp, causing the hair follicles to get irritated and lose strength. Cleaning is thus an important part of hair care routine for men.
Shampooing your hair once in just three days is a good place to start if you have a sensitive scalp. Apply a good virgin coconut or almond oil to your scalp on the day before your shampoo and then wash your hair with a mild cleansing shampoo. There are now a lot of herbal shampoo options which are low in lather making chemicals and high on healing herbal extracts.
2. Keep dandruff away
A lot of people have dandruff all around the year. Generally, during the summer months when the skin stays hydrated, buildup of dander is low for some people. Whereas for those with a dry scalp, going out in the sun and secretion of sebum creates dander on the scalp. When dandruff gets out of control it blocks the pores and hair follicles. It stops nutrition from getting to the scalp and roots causing hair fall. Fighting dandruff becomes necessary in summer time to help the scalp breathe and take in nutrition.
The most important routine to prevent dandruff is regular oiling and using an anti-dandruff shampoo. Using a few drops of extra virgin coconut, olive or almond oil on your hair at least twice a week can improve scalp hydration. Regular shampooing the day after you oil your scalp is also essential to clear oil that has absorbed all the dirt and flaky skin.
3. Don’t use hot water
Taking a shower already washes away all the natural oils and hydration from the scalp. Using hot water to wash your hair is even more damaging to your scalp. Any type of heat on your scalp can cause dryness and flaky skin. Hot water on the scalp will also leave your pores and hair follicles open and exposed to damage causing them to lose strength and elasticity.
If you like taking your showers steaming hot, try not to use the same water on your head. Use slightly warm water on the scalp or normal cool water. This will keep your hair hydrated and the scalp will tighten up holding your hair making it one of the most important hair fall tips for men.
4. Massage your scalp
The scalp takes a large part of its nutrition from the blood vessels lying underneath. Sometimes, due to stress or trauma, these blood vessels have restricted flow. This stops essential nutrition from reaching the follicles. When that happens, the follicles lose strength and the roots are unable to grow more hair.
Making your scalp healthier and strong is possible with a soothing massage to your hair. Most hair salons have the facility for a scalp massage. If you can’t find one that is decent, do it yourself. All you have to do is use a warming oil like almond or castor oil. Dips your fingers in the oil and start massaging it gently beneath your hair on the scalp. Continue massaging until you have covered your whole scalp and make sure you don’t pull your hair while doing so.
5. Protect your scalp from direct sunlight
Sun rays are certainly beneficial but only in the right amount and intensity. At the peak of summer noon, the sun is high in intensity and its UV rays affect the scalp in the same way it affects the rest of the skin. The sunlight slows down the growth of skin cells on the scalp which leads to breakout of acne which is itchy and painful. It causes you to scratch your head repetitively, breaking hair from the roots and inflaming the scalp.
Prevent your head in the summers and choose from a plethora of head gear like hats, caps, bandanas or even an umbrella. Keeping your scalp away from the scorching summer sun will keep it cool and also protect it from dust and pollution outside.
Summers affect all of your body in the same way, so along with skincare to prevent tanning or burns, hair care is also necessary for men. By using the small hair fall tips it becomes easy for men with short hair to retain soft and strong hair. If you’re facing trouble keeping up with a rigid hair care routine due to work or business, it is important to provide your scalp with external nutrition. Qraa brings you the Hair Tonic for Men. Powered by Follicusan, Biotin, and a lot of antioxidants it prevents ageing or stress related hair fall.