Most Effective Tips for Detoxing Your Lung

Talking in man terms; every engine requires good breathing space. The buildup of sludge makes it difficult to run the vehicle very far without running into problems or completely being seized one day. If you understand this cycle, then you must also know that the same principle goes for the human body as well. For our muscle and bone vehicle, our lungs are the engine, as long as they are functioning right, our ride is well and good. But then some engines are unable to perform well due to the buildup of sludge, which is mucous in our lungs.
If the respiratory system of the body is hampered, very few things work well both physically and mentally. The respiratory system keeps the heart pumping properly, which is turn keeps blood circulation controlled. It allows the muscles to get enough oxygen and work for longer periods without getting tired. The respiratory system also ensures that there is enough oxygen rich blood flow to the brain so that the neurons can function like lightning. And that is why, just like an engine requires oil change and cleaning, the lungs require a detox from the tar and mucous that act as its sludge.
How to do a lung detox?
Generally, there is only one obstruction for people who don’t smoke but live in cities, which is mucous in the lungs. Mucous is created by the lungs to make the dust or pollutant particles stick, so that they don’t get mixed into the blood stream. For a smoker, however, there is a lot of tar which gets created when carbon monoxide from cigarettes gets mixed with mucous. This is a much thicker and stiff substance which doesn’t easily pass out of the body.
Carbon monoxide can be inhaled by people working or staying close to smoky areas as well. Chemical factories, incinerators, agricultural burning smoke and firefighting are some of the situations where a person can inhale carbon monoxide and many other chemicals which cause tar.
Removal of this tar firstly requires two things- quit smoking if you do, or wear a leak free high filtration mask to avoid inhaling smoke and chemical fumes. The second thing that one must do is look for ways by which the tar and mucous can be loosened from the lung walls and capillaries so that it can come out through coughing. Another step one can take is ingest foods that boost the capacity of the lungs to self-cleanse. Below is the list of things one can do to initiate a lung detox-
1. Deep breathing
There is no better relief for the lung than effective breathing. Breathing tones down the stress, releases carbon dioxide from the body and ensures that all toxicities are exhaled. General breathing certainly has to be perfect but for that to happen you must make your lungs and diaphragm used to a proper technique. One thing that you shall do to breathe well is to breathe deep. Deep breathing shall engage the diaphragm so that you breathe deep until your stomach bulges. As for lung detox, it’s your exhalation that shall be forced. Count the seconds that you can inhale, a 4-second-deep inhale is good but you can improve with daily exercise. Your exhale, however, shall be 2-3 seconds longer than your inhalation time. Exhale forcibly when you it for your breathing exercise and you’ll find that you have higher energy levels and better breathing throughout the day.
2. Inhaling steam
Mucous that has been in the lungs for too long becomes gelatinous and is difficult to cough out. In order to loosen the mucous, the best thing to do is inhale steam. Steam from hot water goes into the airways and reaches the alveoli and capillaries in the lungs, once the mucous absorbs the hot water particle they come loose. This is when you will either get a runny nose or expect cough. You can add a small menthol crystal to the hot water, it will effectively relieve chest congestion.
3. Controlled coughing
Right after you have done some steam therapy, you can enhance the lung detox routine with controlled coughing. It is a way of coughing effectively while controlling the intensity of your cough and ensuring that you release mucous when you cough. It opens up restricted airways so that the mucous can travel up and you can cough it out. Here’s how to do it-
- Sit on a chair with your feet on the floor
- Relax your spine and bend slightly forward
- Fold your hands around your belly and squeeze
- Inhale deep through the nose
- Bend forward and squeeze more while exhaling through the mouth, try to cough three times in row while exhaling. It loosens the mucous and send it up your airways.
- Repeat the process 3-4 times to cough out enough mucous.
Exercise, especially cardio based, works the lungs to its limits. This makes the lungs warm and induces the self-cleaning function. Regular exercise will slowly increase the capacity of your lungs and make sure that you’re able to hold in more air. Exercises like swimming, running, and cycling are great for improving lung function and inducing mucous release from the lungs. You can also join sports clubs and play games like football, tennis, or badminton for a good cardiovascular health.
5. Eating anti-inflammatory foods
The body creates mucous when it has to deal with inflammation in the body, which generally comes from everyday germs, radiation from certain pollutants, cigarette smoke, etc. As long as there is inflammation in the body, mucous will keep being produced. For the lungs, it is the inflammation from inhaling harmful air and smoke which increases mucous production. To reduce mucous, it is better to eat foods that are anti-inflammatory. The foods that you shall include in your diet are-
- Garlic
- Ginger
- Turmeric
- Fish or tofu
- Walnuts
- Citrus fruit (oranges, grapefruit, or lemon)
- Flax seeds
- Beans and lentils
The lungs of a smoker start healing only after 20 days of quitting and it takes a long time to clear out if no steps are taken. Steam therapy and deep breathing exercises are a great way to do lung detox. You can also go for herbs to supplement your anti-inflammatory diet for a faster mucous cleanse. Qraamen Lung Detox Capsules are made up entirely of herbs that are known by Ayurveda to increase lung function and detox abilities. It contains Turmeric, grape seed powder, Mulethi, Tulsi, and Trikatu which reduce inflammation in the body, reduce kapha (mucosal cells) and increase self-cleansing properties of the lungs. If you too have quit smoking, start a regular routine with the above tips and Lung Detox Capsules.